
Tuesday 14 September 2021

100 Word Challenge

 100 Word Challenge!

This weak i have started the 100 Word Challenge i am very exited and i'm ready to start.
The word that i need to use are CALENDAR …. STICKY … WHITE … MINUSCULE … WASHING.

One fine evening there was a fire. Tom was hanging out the washing when boom the calendar lit the house, the white paint turned into brown paint crack. Firefighters bashed thru the door they saw a tiny puppy that had third degree burns they ran to the puppy and saved it. splash the sticky Goa shot out of the fire extinguisher. There was nothing but a ministerial flame.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Taine,
    Great blog post like the way you have a description so we know what you're doing. Next time add a question to get the reader thinking.
    Well Done!
