
Thursday 30 September 2021

My Poem

 My Poem

For my poem i am using the words Pickle-Piano-Kindly-Guzzle-Suspicious

The maid kindly asked why you where suspiciously guzzling pickles while on a piano

Monday 27 September 2021

Cross country

This year I competed in cross country and I came 5th place I struggled up the hill but overall I think that I did well I was 30 cm from from 4th place, I was puffed at the end and we had ice blocks after the race.
I think if I placed myself at the start I would have came in a higher pleasing.

Friday 24 September 2021

This week's math

 This week I learnt how to divide any number and multiply any number

Friday 17 September 2021

This Weeks Math

 This weak I have been learning about Aria here's some of my work

Tuesday 14 September 2021

100 Word Challenge

 100 Word Challenge!

This weak i have started the 100 Word Challenge i am very exited and i'm ready to start.
The word that i need to use are CALENDAR …. STICKY … WHITE … MINUSCULE … WASHING.

One fine evening there was a fire. Tom was hanging out the washing when boom the calendar lit the house, the white paint turned into brown paint crack. Firefighters bashed thru the door they saw a tiny puppy that had third degree burns they ran to the puppy and saved it. splash the sticky Goa shot out of the fire extinguisher. There was nothing but a ministerial flame.


Monday 13 September 2021

Last weeks learning

  Last weak i hat to catch up on not  finished work i was done now i get to do can do tasks such as study ladder i learnt that if you are good you will get rewarded.

Thursday 9 September 2021

Lockdown learning

Lock Down Learning

 Throughout lock down i have learnt meany things such as how to drive a car and also how to make fences. i kinda liked lock down because there was no set time table and i was not rushed.i spent lots of time with my dad now lock down is kinda over i have to wake up early and get ready for school i prefer school because there is extra curriculum such as art and you get help from the teacher.