
Sunday 5 January 2020

Setting Sail

Activity 1: Setting Sail [4 points]
People from the Pacific are excellent explorers and navigators. They used the stars, sun and ocean swells to navigate (find their way) around the Pacific Ocean.

Imagine that you were invited to join Nainoa for three weeks at sea. You are asked to pack your own food. List 10 food items that you could take on the trip. Remember you will not have a fridge or freezer!
On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage.

  1. muesli bars
  2. water
  3. canned food     like corn and baked beans and spaghetti
  4. cereal and long-life milk
  5. eggs
  6. rice
  7. pasta
  8. banana chips
  9. chips
  10. chocalate


  1. Hi Taine I have looked a few different blog posts about this now and think you would be likely to come through this with good health. Choosing long life milk is a must. Over the holidays I have been camping and standard milk is hard to keep with out int going off. The chips I am not so sure about. They would take up quit a lot of room wouldn't they. I am enjoying reading the Summer learning journey posts. I work for Manaiakalani.

  2. Kia ora Taine, this is Zana from the summer learning journey.
    This is a very well thought out list and I like that you included long lasting food that is unlikely to expire during your journey. Is there any special foods you would include as a treat? I know I would have to bring a pizza with me as comfort food. It is also great to see you participating and posting!
    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates
    Manaiakalani commenter.
