
Wednesday 30 December 2020

my haiku poem

 i liked this activate because i learnt how to write haiku poems

Thursday 12 November 2020

cinquain poem


icy cold
rushing freezing fast
land slide descending
loud site descending

Monday 9 November 2020

another limerick poem

Taine's limerick poem

 there once was a dog 

that was stuck in a log

he tried to escape

but he was to late

he was as fat as a log but only a dog

how to write a limerick poem

   the last word's on line one and two and five rime
 the last word's on line three and four also rime

Thursday 5 November 2020

my limerick poem

 I once had a dog
that did a big brown log
he fort he was smart
until he crashed into k-mart
and i saw his  blog

Wednesday 4 November 2020


Santa is coming soon 
I am waiting for Santa
 I can sense the presents

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Tuesday 16 June 2020

facts about Uranus and neptune


There are 8 planets  in our solar system Mercury venus earth and mars these planets are terrestrial planets they have hard surfaces and they are made of mostly rocky material and they have very few moons or no moons,and they dont have rings like after planets.

Jupite saturn uranus and neptune  are jovian planets. They have multiple moons and know soled serfis. And they have rings.jupiter and Saturn are gas giants and they are mostly made of hydrogen and nitrogen. Uranus and neptune are ice giants they are made of ice and a mitscher of water and methane and ammonia  

Mercury is the second hottest planet

Venus is the hottest planet

Earth is the only planet with life

Mars has the biggest mountain in the solar system

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system

Saturn is the second biggest planet in our solar system

Uranus spins on its side 

Neptune spins on its side 

taine,s think bored

===i chose the number 25 i had 2 make a think bored about the number===

Thursday 11 June 2020

Friday 5 June 2020

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Walt add not subtract

One of this week's activates for math ware to make a animation about the strategy that we learnt this week. I think that this strategy has made it easier to do subtraction problems. the purpose of this blog was to show some one to use this strategy for math
 Did this blog help you work out your math problems

Friday 29 May 2020

facts about mercury that will blow your mind to mercury

this week we have been learning to record and information and take notes my my favorite thing about this activate was finding the information and learning about space and stuff my favourite thing


this week we have been learning to record and information and take notes my my favorite thing about this activate was finding the information and learning about space and stuff

Friday 22 May 2020

Thursday 21 May 2020


one of our tasks for reading was to  create a fact file about mars i enjoy writing about mars
we got to watch videos about mars  

Friday 1 May 2020

Unwanted visitors

One of our activities was to read the story Unwanted Visitors, this story was about pest in New Zealand.One of our reading tasks after reading the story was to create a trap or way to stop unwanted visitors from getting to New Zealand and destroying our forests. The way I chose to stop the pests was to use a bow and arrow.My dad and I made a hunting base to hide and camouflage ourselves so the pests cant see us. I liked this task because I could make a hut and use materials outside to hunt pests.

What do you think about pests like possums in New Zealand?

Friday 24 April 2020


We have been reading a story called balancing act
Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each
other. Earth's gravity is what
keeps you on the ground and what
makes things fall. So, the closer
objects are to each other, the
stronger their gravitational pull is.
Earth's gravity comes from all its mass.

Friday 17 April 2020

how to plant a tree by Taine Urlich

One of out writing tasks was to write some " how to" instructions . I had a tree that needed to be planted so i wrote instructions on how to plant a tree. How well do you think I did?

Wednesday 15 April 2020

area 51 by Taine Urlich

by taine

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Imagine that you could be a superhero for a day

Imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. What three superpowers would you most like to have?

  1. flying 
  2. laser eyes
  3. indestructible 

what kind of superpower would you like the best

Sunday 5 January 2020

air rescue

Please choose a charity that you are interested in. You may choose your own or use one from our list (below). Read about the charity.

did you know that air rescue saves hundreds of people every year no matter where they are